Anti-racist work

YCSA has on its staff and the Board a vast experience of tackling racism. The organisation has delivered workshops on the subject and is as part of wider group working group within Scottish Government identifying on how to improve tackling racism in schools.

This is a work in progress and we will update this page with the work that we do.

Silent Voices

YCSA in partnership with Springburn Academy created the video which highlights the experience of young people who have suffered racism.

YCSA supported the young people over a school year in sessions which enabled the young people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) backgrounds to explore  racism, in each of their environments whether this was the school, within the community or on a personal experience.

The young people also had the opportunity to learn and hear about the history of racism from the past up until today.

The young people with the support of the school have presented the video to other schools and organisations and have continued to grow in their understanding of how to challenge racism.