Helpful Resources for Keeping Fit and Staying Safe online while Social Distancing

So, with the latest developments around NHS and Government advice regarding Coronavirus/COVID-19, some of you may have concerns about how to stay healthy and fit while social distancing.

The transfer of all types of communication, from education to catching up with friends to digital platforms, may also raise concerns from parents and carers around the safety of the channels that young people are using, and increasingly, having to rely upon.

Luckily, YCSA’s partner agencies have been sharing really useful advice and resources.

Free Online Workouts and Fitness Classes with Club Glasgow

If you want to stay fit or have the social experience of a workout class from home, Club Glasgow have a range of free fitness options.

Visit their site for more info, with options to use on your phone or laptop or home computer:

Keeping Safe Online Resources for young people and parents

You can also visit ThinkUKnow, a UK organisation with age appropriate resources educating young people, parents and carers about online safety.

Visit the site here: