Films By Young People

YCSA is proud to showcase some of the videos and short films that our Young People have helped produce and star in in recent times. Below are some of those videos and a link so you can follow our Young People’s YouTube channel.

Youth, Climate, ACTION!

This video shows the activities that the young people at YCSA undertook during the Mending Our Planet project. The project ran from April 2020 to March 2022 and was funded by The Scottish Government. The aims of the project were to improve climate literacy, reduce food and textile waste and promote active travel. The video was recorded and edited by Josh Davies.

A Day in the Life of YCSA

Showcasing some of the young people that use our services and some of the activities they take part in. We offer a wide variety of interesting and practical projects, as well as offering mental wellbeing, ESOL, 1-to-1 support and more.

Our Take On Climate Change

A short film made by the Young Leaders Forum at the YCSA Mending Our Planet Project. The film talks about how climate change is affecting their world and what they think about it.

Door to the Future – by YCSA Film Club

A short film, made by BME young people at YCSA film club. about the lives of two men seeking asylum in Glasgow. This short film was made with the support of YCSA and funding from CashBack for Communities and Glasgow City Council. 

Where Homelessness Lives

A short movie by YCSA’s Film Club. First screened at the Glad Cafe, Glasgow in August 2018.

We are the Sun

In July a group of young women came together to write songs together for the weekend.
We wrote 8 songs in 2 days and learned a great deal in the process. This song was a group song we wrote together on the first evening and features all the languages spoken in the group including Spanish ,Swahili, English, Malayalan, Indonesian, Portuguese and Yoruda. Funded by the Youth Music Initiative.

Vanessa explains day of the dead

Vanessa made this video for the Get Information Final performance at the New Glasgow Society and the Scottish Poetry Library. She has been a volunteer at the Get Information Ladies project funded by Cash Back for Creativity and the People and Communities Fund supporting the young women to take part in the exercises.

Cooking with Fatma

Fatma was the resident cook at the YCSA Get Information Ladies group. We made a video of her explaining how to make one of her favourite Somali dishes. This project was funded by Cash Back for Creativity and The People and Communities Fund.

Just Like You

This trailer is a taster of a co-production task led by young people, resulting in the #JustLikeYou booklet and DVD, with support from the Ebara team at YCSA.

The DVD provides a platform for young people and their family members to share their real life experiences of the criminal justice system and to pass on messages and advice to others. We hope that it will allow others to have an insight into the highs and lows, challenges and triumphs faced by these young men.

The booklet showcases content such as photography, rap, poems and stories created by the young people.

The #JustLikeYou booklet and DVD are available from YCSA as a resource for practitioners and young people.

Our thanks to these young men and all who have contributed for their honesty and courage in sharing their stories.

Soqrah Learning English

Video produced as part of the YCSA Get In:Formation Ladies Group. This was recorded and edited as part of the Media sessions. This project was funded by Cash Back For Creativity.

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