Career Kickstart: new programme from YCSA and SDS

Every Tuesday from 11th February to 17th March at YCSA

Youth Community Support Agency (YCSA) in partnership with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) will run workshops over February and March 2020 to help young people with their employment prospects and give information on Modern Apprenticeships.

We will use team-building and drama based activities to teach interview techniques and develop presentation and communication skills
We will provide lunch and travel expenses to participants
Proposed time every Tuesday from 12:00 – 16:00
Please see the attached flyer for more details on programme content.

Who is the course for?

Young people aged 16 to 24 who want to move into work but need some careers guidance.

Young people who would like to get paid for work while training in their chosen career sector

Young people who can work independently on job search and updating CVs with minimal supervision

We are especially keen to encourage young people from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (BME) to come along as people from these backgrounds are particularly underrepresented in Modern Apprenticeships.

If you are working with any young people aged 16 to 24 from this background who you believe would be suitable, please fill in the referral form and send to .

If you can share this within your networks or on social media, we would greatly appreciate it! Feel free to share this or any of our social media posts to anyone you think could benefit from this.